New Cat, New Home, Things to think about.
Your new cat may have been abandoned or surrendered by a previous family. The cat may have been abused. The cat or kitten had to adjust to the shelter and is now going home to a new, unfamiliar place with strangers. Its kind of scary if you think about it! But, Being gentle, considerate, kind and patient will help ease your friend into his new family.
Your cat may have been in a kennel for several weeks or months. He may be CRAZY HAPPY the first few days just because he's so happy to be out and about and around people. Make sure to provide plenty of exercise to help him wind down. Don’t give up.
Your cat might be afraid and unsure of his new surroundings. If he appears to be scared, keep him in a small, quiet area (such as a gated off laundry or bathroom) to start, and take it slow. Don't allow your children to bother the cat if he is afraid; fear can result in nipping or scratching. Instead, give your cat plenty of time to adjust to his new surroundings, taking it one step at a time. Don't give up.
Even a litter trained cat can make mistakes in a new home. He doesn't know which door to go to or how to ask his new owner for what he wants. Please be aware that change of food or nervousness can set off diarrhea.
Your cat had a whole other set of rules in his previous home. He may have been allowed to sleep in bed and beg at the table. IT'S UP TO YOU TO TEACH HIM YOUR RULES. Teaching proper behavior takes time and patience.
Allow your cat or kitten several weeks to adapt to his new surroundings and up to 6 months to fully adjust (adults may take longer than kittens). Adopting a pet is a lifetime commitment. We assume that you will make a patient and concerted effort to achieve a successful forever home.
Did you know it is against the law to abandon an animal? The New York State Agriculture & Markets Law, Article 26, Section 355 states: "Abandonment of animals. A person being the owner or possessor, or having charge or custody of an animal, who abandons such animal, or leaves it to die in a street, road or public place, or who allows such animal, if it become disabled, to lie in a public street, road or public place more than three hours after he receives notice that it is left disabled, is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by both."
Most Frequently asked questions about Cat Care:
Q. How should I introduce a new cat to the other cats in my household? 
A. In a word, slowly. Keep your new feline in a separate room for a few days, with its own food, water and litter box. Then let him or her out when you are there to supervise. Some cats take to each other immediately, while others need some time to work things out. Be patient, and never leave your new cat untended until you are sure there aren't any problems.
Q. How old should my cat be before it's neutered or spayed?
A. The ideal time to neuter a male cat is before he is 10 months old. That way, he won't acquire the "spraying " habit, which is his way of marking his territory. For a female, spraying is usually done at five to six months of age, before she goes into her first heat. Your veterinarian will tell you when your cat is ready for this simple but extremely important procedure. Altering your cat not only prevents unwanted litters of kittens, but also greatly reduces potential health problems, such as cancer, in both males and females.
Q. What kind of food should I feed my cats?
A. Proper nutrition is a must for keeping your cat healthy, with strong bones, a coat, bright eyes and the ability to fight off potential infections. Most vets recommend a well-balanced dry kibble, supplemented with a bit of canned food. Beef, turkey, and chicken are best, because they contain less ash and magnesium than fish-based foods, which can trigger urinary-tract problems. Make sure to always keep fresh water available for your cat.
A. For kittens, they need a richer food than adult cats, and should be fed more often, usually three times a day until they are six months old. Let your kitten or young cat tell you how much food it needs. If you start with a teaspoon of canned food and it eats it at once, give it a bit more, but only the amount it will finish in one sitting.
Q. I know that declawing can be painful to a cat. But how else can I protect my furniture?
A. Declawing certainly is painful! Think about having the tips of your fingers removed up to the first knuckle. Many declawed cats use their teeth more because it is their only defense, and a cat without claws should never go outside. In fact more and more veterinarians are refusing to declaw a cat. Ask him or her about other options. Most cats can be trained not to claw furniture. Provide plenty of scratching posts (sprinkle catnip on them to make them even more alluring!). Keep a spray bottle of water handy and spritz your cat, saying NO loudly, when he starts to sharpen his claws on the couch.
Q. Why has my cat suddenly not using his litter box?
A. The reason could be simple. Maybe the box needs to be changed more often, or you should try a new kind of litter. Perhaps you should put another box somewhere else in your house. Have you added a new cat to your family, or somehow changed your cat's regular routine? Perhaps the most common reason for a cat suddenly not using his usual box is that it has developed a urinary-tract infection. Your vet can tell quickly if that's the case, and prescribe antibiotics to clear up the problem.
Q. Is it really best for me to keep my cat indoors? It seems more natural for cats to be outside.
A. There are many good reasons for making your cat an indoor-only pet. First, indoor cats live longer and healthier lives. They aren't exposed to other cats that may carry diseases, and they won't be eating wildlife that could give them parasites or disease and they aren't being eaten themselves by other predators, such as foxes or coyotes, if you live in a rural area. And, no matter whether you're in the country or the suburbs, cars are always a threat to outdoors cats.
Q. I am planning a vacation soon. Can I take my cat? 
A. Of course! Although cats don't love car rides as much as dogs do, many people travel successfully with their cats. Use a carrier large enough for your cat to feel safe and comfortable. Stop often on a long trip so that he has a chance to eat, drink water and use the litter box. It's a good idea to see how well your cat travels by first taking some short jaunts around the neighborhood. If he seems stressed, ask your vet about possible remedies, some of which are herbal, not chemical. Use a harness and leash to exercise your cat when you�re away from home. It is also good idea to have him wear a collar with an ID tag listing your phone number, just in case he gets loose.
Q. Are cats a danger to pregnant women and newborns?
A. Cats pose no problems for pregnant women, although it's best to have someone else clean the litter box to avoid coming into contact with any parasites. As for newborns, cats are not inherently a danger, although they do like to curl up next to something that's soft, warm and smells like milk! So, if your cat is a cuddlier, be there to supervise both cat and baby together. Installing a screen door on a nursery will allow you to hear your baby cry but will keep the cat outside the room. You can also place a net over the playpen, crib and stroller to keep curious cats of baby's things.
Q. How do I care for newborn kittens?
A. If they are with their mother cat, your job is easy. She will do all the work; you just provide soft bedding, a quiet environment and nutritious food. It's a good idea to feed nursing mothers kitten food, which has extra vitamins, and to feed her a few times a day. If her milk has come in, she will be able to nurse her kittens easily. If you have kittens with no mother, your job is harder. They will need KMR (kitten milk replacer), which is available either in ready-to-use liquid form or as a powder that you mix with water. Do not give kittens cow's milk, because they can't digest it. If they are really small, you may have to use a dropper to feed them, and do so every three or four hours. If they can drink out of a shallow saucer, so much the better. You'll also have to do "play mother" in terms of encouraging a kitten to eliminate. Gently rub a soft cloth, dampened with warm water, over its genital area after it eats Kittens also need to be kept warm. One good strategy is to place a hot water bottle under a towel or blanket in its box. Just be careful that the water isn't too hot. Don't hesitate to call your local animal shelter for advice and help in raising newborns.
Q. How often do I need to take my cat to the veterinarian?
A. Once your cat has outgrown kitten hood, and has received all the inoculations that a kitten needs to get a healthy start in life; it should only have to see the vet annually for a routine checkup (emergencies excluded, of course). The vet will check its vital signs such as heart and lungs, feel the organs to make sure nothing is swollen or out of kilter, check its coat, eyes and ears, and do a dental inspection to identify tooth problems or periodontal disease, which can be very harmful to a cat's heat, liver, kidneys and other organs. Take in a stool sample, which the vet will check for parasites. A cat gets its first rabies vaccination about the same time it is spayed or neutered. In addition, it should be inoculated against feline leukemia. Your vet will notify about what shots your cat will getting when it comes in for its annual visit.